A Lazy Girl's Guide to the Gym #3
This is my 3rd week of making an effort to go to the gym, last week my aim was to attend the gym 3 times this week. I failed. Now ok I have a good reason! I actually own only 1 pair of 'gym wear' and whilst I could have organised my washing machine plan slightly better, my gym wear did not get the treat of 3 washes this week, and my worst fear is being smelly, so as I had no clean gym wear, I didn't go the 3rd time. However on a positive I am now competent on a running machine, and the fears of me falling off the things are slowly diminishing. I do thoroughly enjoy you tubing people who fall off running machines, but it would not be funny if this happened to me, I would never return to a gym again. I have been doing a number of arm exercises, which are surprisingly satisfying. I did some shoulder presses, and a load of other stuff which I'm not entirely sure of the names of the exercises as my boyfriend was just telling me what to do. Handy for you reading I know. ...