
Showing posts from July, 2016

20 thoughts you have when you're 24 (or any age)

So I think it's common knowledge to think that when you hit  24 you'll have everything in plan, everything figured out and organised, cept it's not. You tend to question life, and consider if you should be having a quarterly life crisis. So I compiled 20 thoughts I've had since turning 24 (okay anyone in their 20s). 1. You fully thought you'd have your dream job, with lots of money. And in reality you're questioning why you weren't scouted as some sort of child star. 2. Am I now in my mid twenties or my early twenties?!  3. Council tax or new shoes, council tax or new shoes?!? Council tax...being thrown out on the street doesn't sound too fun. Or having people round to take your stuff also doesn't sound fun either.... Maybe I'll resort to my student diet of cheese on toast so I can afford both. 4. Do I buy this super cute notebook, or a boring navy one to look more profesh?! ( and then buy the cute one because, duh personality)  5. You'd be a...