Clicking Unfollow
Ahh the classic unfollow . Recently I've seen tweets floating around about unfollowing on social media platforms obviously lots of people have their views on it. Some people feeling there isn't any point getting upset about it, others saying not to feel guilty about clicking unfollow etc. And I'll be honest I can see both sides of the story. With Twitter, if someone follows me and I check out their feed and discover its all blog pushing tweets then its unlikely that I'll follow you. I tend to follow people back/ or just follow people on twitter if I've had a conversation with them and feel like I would get on with them in the real world or obviously if I really like their blog/business. I follow people if they have a good mix of blog promotes and talking to other users and giving me a little insight to their lives. I tend to unfollow if someone doesn't really tweet anymore or if they drunk tweet every night that they hate their ex boyfriend. ...