Lush Cosmetics Tangled Hot Oil Treatment

In recent months I have been bypassing the hair care section of Lush due to a bit of a 'meh' experience with their Shampoo Bars... having said that my ex housemate used to swear by the Shampoo bars and solid conditioners, so I think those products are kind of an 'each to their own' case.

Lush Cosmetics Tangled

However after a few Blog and Instagram posts popped up mentioning the Hot Oil treatments I got interested. Whilst I continued to bypass the hair care section, I did cast a cheeky glance at these oil treatments a few times and finally (about 2 weeks ago). I got one.

I chose the Tangled Treatment due to the fact my hair just gets so tangled... The other 2 options were damaged, (I thought this may weigh down my hair as my hair is as fine as fine can be) and Kinky which is for curly hair, of which I do not possess.

Preparing the Product

I was dubious about this product mainly as I don't tend to use hair oils as, again, it weighs down my hair, but I thought as a one off treatment it would probably do some good rather than hinder anything.
I was pleasantly surprised when I opened the packaging because I honestly thought I would sticking the product in the microwave for 2 minutes. Oho how I was wrong!

Once you've gently stirred the water into the solid block it mixes down to more of a conditioner than an oil, something which I absolutely love, this makes things so much easier; we all know what a pain it is to put oil on to dry hair, it gets very messy, very quickly.  See the video for consistency, I have sped this video up as it was about 3 minutes long!

The Smell.

I will warn you, the solid oil smells devine! Ylang Ylang oil and Orange flower absolute smells so relaxing and almost (dare I say) christmassy!? When its melted it smells less nice, I wasn't sat there for 20 minutes waiting to get the product off because it smelt,  it is only if you stick your nose into the tub/cup you melt it in, a waft of what I can only describe as public toilet comes out. I hasten to add when your hair is all washed, dried and styled it does smell pleasant!

The active working ingredients in this is the Extra Virgin Olive oil to moisturise and protect and the Jojoba Oil helps to moisturise the other two oils (ylang ylang and Orange flower) are the scents.

Lush Cosmetic Tangled Hot Oil Treatment
Washing the product out.

When the product is ready to go merely coat your hair in the product, do not stick loads on as it is hard to wash out, where I had a high amount of coating it didn't wash out that well even though I shampooed twice. I brushed my hair which was noticeable easier and then I blow dried it and it didn't leave any product. My hair has a lot more bounce to it and slightly more volume than normal and it looks lovely and sleek! I can also run my hand through my hair with out my fingers getting stuck on knots!

Would I buy this product again?

Yes I would, you can only use this treatment once, so in terms of value for money, it is a little on the expensive side but, my hair was so much more manageable for I would say at least 10 days after using this product (I don't wash my hair everyday). I think next time I might cut the block in half just so i can gt more uses out of it, and also my hair doesnt need the full block! It is an easy thing to use as you don't have to shampoo, put the product in, wait and then rinse out. Having said that it isn't the easiest product to get out of your hair and multiple washes may undo some of the work the treatment has done?! I would also be open to trying the Damaged Hot Oil Treatement to see how they compare. If you fancy giving this product a go, click here!

Lush Cosmetics Tangled Hot Oil Treatment

As always you can find me in these places;

Rosie x


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