Lee Stafford Blow Dry Wonder Spray | Review
Okay Okay, I'm a sucker for when things come in brightly coloured packaging and have things like 'wonder spray' written on them, they go into my basket with out hesitation. Lee Stafford is a top culprit for me, every time he gets me with his pink packaging and quirky product labelling. However the question is what the hell does this product do and does it actually work or is it a bit of a flop? Lee Stafford Blow Dry Wonder Spray Lee Stafford Blow Dry Your Hair Faster is obviously meant to dry your hair faster, it also has a heat defence up to 220c and has a little bit of hair spray in it too to give your style a little hold. Well when I first used it I didn't really think much of it, it didn't really cut drying time, but my hair did have a little more bounce to it, but as time has gone by its seems to actually work. I don't know whether its one of those things where its has to get into your routine to make a difference. I have also used it with ...